October 2024

जानिये Cyber Complaint कैसे फाइल करें | Advocate Ayush Garg | 8272382006

Cyber Complaint कैसे फाइल करें

आज के Digital युग में, cyberअपराधों का खतरा तेजी से बढ़ रहा है। अगर आपको Online Fraud, Cyber Stalking, Hacking, या अन्य किसी Cyber Crime  का सामना करना पड़ा है, तो घबराएं नहीं। भारत सरकार ने Cyber अपराधों की शिकायत करने के लिए एक सरल प्रक्रिया शुरू की है। इस article में हम आपको बताएंगे कि आप Cyber Complaint कैसे फाइल करें, ताकि आपको सही न्याय मिल सके। इस गाइड में Advocate Ayush Garg, एक अनुभवी Cyber Crime  Advocate, द्वारा सुझाए गए महत्वपूर्ण कदमों को भी शामिल किया गया है।

 यह भी पड़ें: Gaming App से आए पैसे की जानकारी Cyber Cell को दें या नहीं

Step-by-Step Process to File a Cyber Complaint

  1. Cyber Crime  पोर्टल पर जाएं (Visit the Cyber Crime Portal)
    पहला कदम है भारत सरकार द्वारा शुरू किए गए नेशनल Cyber Crime  reporting portal पर जाना। इस website का लिंक है: https://cybercrime.gov.in। यहां आप Online  Cyber Crime  से संबंधित शिकायत दर्ज कर सकते हैं।
  2. अपनी शिकायत दर्ज करें (Register Your Complaint)
    पोर्टल पर पहुंचने के बाद, ‘File a Complaint’ के ऑप्शन पर क्लिक करें। आपसे पूछा जाएगा कि आप किस प्रकार की शिकायत करना चाहते हैं – महिलाओं और बच्चों के खिलाफ cyberअपराध, या अन्य cyberअपराध। सही विकल्प चुनें और ‘Proceed’ पर क्लिक करें।
  3. फॉर्म भरें (Fill Out the Form)
    आपको एक form भरना होगा, जिसमें आपके बारे में जानकारी जैसे नाम, पता, और Contact details मांगी जाएंगी। इसके साथ ही, आपको उस cyber अपराध का विवरण देना होगा जिससे आप प्रभावित हुए हैं। यहां, आप screenshort, chat history, और अन्य जरूरी सबूत upload कर सकते हैं।
  4. लॉगिन/साइनअप करें (Create or Log into Your Account)
    अगर आपके पास पहले से Account नहीं है, तो आपको साइन अप करना होगा। Account बनाने के लिए मोबाइल नंबर और ईमेल आईडी के जरिए वेरिफिकेशन करना होगा। लॉगिन करने के बाद आप अपनी शिकायत ट्रैक कर सकते हैं।
  5. ट्रैक स्टेटस (Track Your Complaint Status)
    आप अपने दर्ज की गई शिकायत का स्टेटस Online  ही देख सकते हैं। आपको एक शिकायत ID मिलेगी, जिसका उपयोग आप स्टेटस चेक करने के लिए कर सकते हैं।
Step No. Action Description


Cyber Crime Portal पर जाएं शिकायत दर्ज करने के लिए https://cybercrime.gov.in पर जाएं।


शिकायत दर्ज करें Cyber अपराध के प्रकार को चुनें और आगे बढ़ें।
3.  Form भरें अपनी व्यक्तिगत जानकारी और अपराध से संबंधित विवरण भरें।
4.  Login/Sign Up करें आगे की प्रक्रिया के लिए अपना खाता बनाएं या लॉगिन करें।
5.  Status Track करें अपनी शिकायत की प्रगति जानने के लिए शिकायत आईडी का उपयोग करें।

Cyber Complaint दर्ज करने के लिए कुछ महत्वपूर्ण बातें

  • समय पर शिकायत करें: अगर आप किसी Cyber Crime  का शिकार होते हैं, तो जल्दी से जल्दी शिकायत दर्ज करें। देर करने से सबूत मिट सकते हैं।
  • सबूत सुरक्षित रखें: आपके पास जितने भी सबूत हैं जैसे ईमेल, कॉल रिकॉर्ड्स, मैसेज, या स्क्रीनशॉट्स, उन्हें सुरक्षित रखें और शिकायत के साथ अटैच करें।
  • संपर्क करें विशेषज्ञों से: अगर आप शिकायत फाइल करने में असहज महसूस करते हैं, तो किसी अनुभवी Cyber Crime  एडवोकेट से सलाह लें। Ayush Garg जैसे वकील आपको सही सलाह देंगे और कानूनी मदद भी प्रदान करेंगे।

Cyber Crime  के सामान्य प्रकार (Common Types of Cyber Crimes)

  1. फिशिंग (Phishing): धोखेबाज ईमेल्स के जरिए आपकी निजी जानकारी चुराने की कोशिश।
  2. हैकिंग (Hacking): आपकी निजी जानकारी या Account  तक अनधिकृत पहुंच।
  3. Cyber स्टॉकिंग (Cyber Stalking): Online  Platform पर किसी को बार-बार परेशान करना।
  4. Online फ्रॉड (Online Fraud): इंटरनेट के माध्यम से धोखाधड़ी करना।

क्या करें अगर आप Cyber Crime  का शिकार होते हैं?

  1. शांत रहें और सोचें: घबराने की ज़रूरत नहीं है। जल्द से जल्द अपनी कंप्लेंट दर्ज करें और सभी जरूरी सबूत इकट्ठा करें।
  2. पुलिस को सूचित करें: अगर मामला गंभीर है, तो नजदीकी पुलिस स्टेशन में रिपोर्ट भी दर्ज कराएं।
  3. Cyber Crime  cell  से संपर्क करें: हर राज्य में Cyber Crime  cell  है, वहां जाकर भी आप सीधे कंप्लेंट दर्ज कर सकते हैं।

 यह भी पड़ें: Best Bank Account Unfreeze Lawyer in Ahmedabad Cyber Cell


Cyber Crime  एक गंभीर समस्या है, लेकिन अब इसकी शिकायत करना आसान हो गया है। बस ऊपर दिए गए स्टेप्स को फॉलो करें और अपनी कंप्लेंट दर्ज करें। Advocate Ayush Garg जैसे विशेषज्ञों की मदद से आप अपनी शिकायत को सही तरीके से दर्ज कर सकते हैं और जरूरी कानूनी कदम उठा सकते हैं। समय पर की गई शिकायत और सही सबूत आपके लिए इंसाफ पाने का सबसे बड़ा रास्ता है।

आपको हमारा यह आर्टिकल कैसा लगा हमें कमेंट बॉक्स में जरूर बताएं या आपके मन में कोई सवाल हो, तो हमसे कमेंट बॉक्स में पूछ सकते हैं हमारी हेल्पलाइन नंबर 8273682006 पर भी कॉल कर सकते हैं।

इंग्लिश में भी पड़ें: How To File Cyber Crime Complaint? Step-by-step Guide 

Best Cheque Bounce Lawyer In Gujarat | Advocate Ayush Garg | 8273682006

best cheque bouncer in gujarat

In the complex field of legal battles, handling check bounce disputes requires skilled guidance and experienced expertise. Enlist Ayush Garg as your trusted associate and icon of legal prowess in Gujarat.

Unmatched Expertise

Ayush Garg is not just another lawyer; He specializes in check bounce litigation. With years of dedicated practice and in-depth understanding of the legal landscape of Gujarat, Ayush stands as a ray of hope for people stuck in check bounce problems. Their track record speaks volumes, boasting countless successful resolutions and satisfied clients.

Also Read: Best Bail Lawyer In Gujarat

Tailored Solutions for Your Unique Case

No two cases are alike and Ayush openly admits this. With a personalized approach, he deeply understands the complexities of your situation and designs specialized strategies tailored to your needs. Expect nothing less than meticulous attention to detail and a firm commitment to your purpose.

Transparent Communication, Always

Communication is key, and Ayush Garg ensures complete transparency at every step. From the initial consultation through to court proceedings, you will be kept up to date on developments, armed with clear insight and sensible advice. With AYUSH, there is no hidden agenda – just honest, clear guidance.

Aggressive Advocacy, Focused Results

When it comes to protecting your rights, Ayush Garg is a force to be reckoned with. Armed with a strong spirit and a relentless pursuit of justice, he leaves no stone unturned in advocating for your interests. Rest assured, your case will be pursued with unwavering dedication and unwavering determination to achieve the best possible outcome.

Accessible Excellence, Affordable Solutions

Quality legal representation should not come with an exorbitant price tag, and Ayush Garg strongly believes in accessibility for all. With competitive rates and flexible payment options, he strives to make his services accessible to every customer. Your pursuit of justice should not be hindered by financial constraints, and Ayush ensures that does not happen.

Read more: Bank Account Frozen by Betting Apps? Here’s What to Do! Adv.Ayush Garg

Advocate Ayush Garg: Your Trusted Advocate In Legal Adviser

In short, when it comes to dealing with the complex maze of check bounce disputes, Ayush Garg emerges as your ray of hope – an experienced legal expert dedicated to taking you towards a favorable resolution. With his expertise, personal approach, transparent communication and unwavering advocacy, Ayush Garg is not just a lawyer; He is your ally in legal victory. Don’t let check bounce disputes derail your financial stability—contact Ayush Garg today and get on the path to resolution!

FAQ Related Best Cheque Bounce Lawyer

Q1: What is a cheque bounce, and why does it happen?

Answer: Check bounce occurs when a check presented for payment in a bank is not paid due to insufficient funds, closure of account or other reasons. This usually occurs when the issuer’s account lacks the necessary funds to cover the amount specified on the check.

Q2: What are the legal implications of a bounced cheque in Gujarat?

Answer: In Gujarat, bounced check is considered a criminal offense under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881. The aggrieved party has the right to take legal action against the bounced check issuer.

Q3: What are the penalties for a cheque bounce in Gujarat?

Ans: The penalty for check bounce in Gujarat includes imprisonment of up to two years or a fine double the amount of the bounced cheque, or both. Additionally, the drawee has the right to file a civil suit for recovery of the check amount.

Also Visit : Best Property Lawyer In Gujarat | 8273682006

Q4: Can a cheque bounce case be settled out of court in Gujarat?

Ans: Yes, check bounce cases can be settled out of court through mutual agreement between the parties concerned. However, it is advisable to seek legal advice to ensure that the agreement is fair and legally binding.

Q5: How long do I have to file a complaint for a bounced cheque in Gujarat?

Ans: In Gujarat, a check bounce complaint must be filed within one month from the date of receipt of intimation from the bank regarding check bounce.

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Best Property Lawyer In Gujarat | 8273682006

Best Property Lawyer In Gujarat

Best Property Lawyer In Gujarat: Are you embarking on a property venture in Gujarat and in need of astute legal counsel? Look no further! 🌟 We understand the paramount importance of having a seasoned property lawyer by your side to navigate the labyrinth of real estate law.

Here’s your comprehensive roadmap to finding the cream of the cream of property lawyers in Gujarat, tailored just for you.

Also Read : Unfreeze Your Account Fast: Tips for Multiple Complaint Issue

Introduction to Your Legal Journey 🚀

Before we delve into the intricacies of finding the perfect legal ally, let’s take a moment to understand the significance of having a proficient property lawyer in your corner.

Whether you’re a seasoned investor or a first-time buyer, the right legal guidance can spell the difference between a seamless transaction and a potential legal quagmire.

Meet Ayush Garg: Your Legal Maestro 🎓💼

In your quest for the best property lawyer in Gujarat, allow us to introduce Ayush Garg, a legal luminary renowned for his expertise in real estate law.

With years of experience and a stellar track record, Ayush Garg brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to the table, ensuring that your legal needs are met with precision and professionalism.

Navigating the Legal Landscape: Your Roadmap to Success 🗺️🔍

Now that you’ve met your legal maestro, it’s time to embark on your journey to finding the perfect property lawyer. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through the legal landscape with confidence and clarity:

Steps Description
Identify Your Needs Clarify your specific requirements and objectives to pinpoint the expertise you need in a property lawyer.
Research Online Harness the power of the internet to explore Ayush Garg’s credentials, reviews, and testimonials from satisfied clients.
Check Credentials Delve into Ayush Garg’s educational background, professional experience, and any specialized certifications he may hold.
Schedule Consultations Book an initial consultation with Ayush Garg to discuss your case, evaluate compatibility, and gain insights into his approach.
Consider Specializations Assess Ayush Garg’s specialization in real estate law to ensure that his expertise aligns with your specific legal needs.
Evaluate Communication Skills Gauge Ayush Garg’s communication style, responsiveness, and ability to simplify complex legal concepts for your understanding.
Assess Affordability Discuss Ayush Garg’s fee structure and payment options to ensure that they are transparent, fair, and within your budget.
Trust Your Instincts Follow your intuition and choose Ayush Garg as your legal ally if you feel confident, comfortable, and reassured by his expertise.

The Ayush Garg Advantage: Why Choose Excellence? 🏆🌟

As you embark on your journey to find the best property lawyer in Gujarat, choosing Ayush Garg offers a myriad of advantages:

  • Expertise: Benefit from Ayush Garg’s in-depth knowledge and experience in real estate law, ensuring that your legal needs are met with precision and proficiency.
  • Personalized Attention: Receive personalized attention and tailored legal solutions that are specifically designed to address your unique requirements and objectives.
  • Transparent Communication: Enjoy clear, concise, and transparent communication at every step of the legal process, keeping you informed and empowered throughout your journey.
  • Proven Track Record: Rest assured knowing that you’re in capable hands with Ayush Garg, whose impeccable track record speaks volumes about his dedication, diligence, and commitment to excellence.

Also Read: How to Unfreeze Your Bank Account from Home through Cyber Cell?


1. What are the specific areas of expertise of Ayush Garg in property law?

Ans: Ayush Garg specializes in various aspects of property law, including real estate transactions, property disputes, landlord-tenant matters, property documentation, and legal due diligence.

His comprehensive understanding of Gujarat’s legal landscape equips him to provide tailored solutions to a wide range of property-related issues.

2. How does Ayush Garg ensure clear communication throughout the legal process?

Ans: Clear communication is paramount in the legal realm, and Ayush Garg prioritizes transparency and accessibility in his interactions with clients.

He ensures that clients are kept informed about the progress of their case, promptly responds to queries, and explains legal concepts in a simple and understandable manner, fostering a strong lawyer-client relationship built on trust and clarity.

3. What sets Ayush Garg apart from other property lawyers in Gujarat?

Ans: Ayush Garg’s unparalleled expertise, personalized approach, and unwavering commitment to excellence set him apart as a distinguished figure in the legal fraternity.

With a proven track record of success and a deep-seated dedication to client satisfaction, Ayush Garg goes above and beyond to deliver superior legal services that exceed expectations and achieve optimal outcomes for his clients.

4. How does Ayush Garg handle fee structures and payment options?

Ans: Ayush Garg believes in transparency and fairness when it comes to fee structures and payment options. During the initial consultation, he discusses fee arrangements with clients, ensuring that they fully understand the costs involved and providing flexible payment options that accommodate their budgetary constraints.

By prioritizing affordability and value, Ayush Garg strives to make high-quality legal services accessible to all.

5. What can clients expect from their initial consultation with Ayush Garg?

Ans: During the initial consultation, clients can expect a thorough discussion of their case, wherein Ayush Garg listens attentively to their concerns, assesses the legal complexities involved, and offers insights into potential strategies and solutions.

It’s an opportunity for clients to get to know Ayush Garg, understand his approach to their case, and determine whether he’s the right fit for their legal needs. With Ayush Garg’s guidance and expertise, clients can embark on their legal journey with confidence and peace of mind.

Conclusion: Your Path to Legal Success 🛤️🔒

finding the best property lawyer in Gujarat doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With Ayush Garg by your side, you can embark on your legal journey with confidence, clarity, and peace of mind. Trust in Ayush Garg’s expertise, experience, and unwavering commitment to excellence, and unlock the power of legal success for your property ventures in Gujarat and beyond. 🌐📈

Read more: Bengaluru Cyber Cell से Bank Account Unfreeze कराये ?

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How To File Cyber Crime Complaint? Step-by-step Guide

how to file cyber crime complaint

Hello friends, welcome to the Online Legal Center. I am Advocate Ayush Garg, and today we will discuss the steps you need to take if your bank account has been frozen by the Cyber Cell and how to file a cyber crime complaint. Freezing a bank account can be stressful, but by following the right approach, you can address the situation and get your account unfrozen.

Understanding Why Your Bank Account is Frozen

When the Cyber Cell freezes a bank account, it is often due to suspicious transactions or involvement in a cyber crime complaint. Understanding the root cause is crucial for resolving the issue quickly.

Step-by-Step Guide to Unfreeze Your Bank Account

1. Contact Your Bank Immediately

  • First Action: Contact your bank to understand why your account has been frozen.
  • Information to Collect:
    • Reason for the freeze
    • Details about the cyber crime complaint
    • Cyber Cell’s contact information
    • Complaint number and transaction details

Also Read: Why Does A Bank Account Get Frozen?

2. Reach Out to the Cyber Cell

  • Action Plan: Contact the Cyber Cell with the details provided by your bank.
  • Information Submission: Share the necessary information and documents, either via email or in person.
  • Follow-Up: Regularly follow up with the Cyber Cell to ensure your case is being processed efficiently.

3. Engage Legal Support

  • Hire a Lawyer: A lawyer can handle the case on your behalf and expedite the process.
  • Representation: Your lawyer can liaise with the Cyber Cell, ensuring the case moves forward without delays.

Key Documents and Information to Prepare

Ensure you have the following documents ready to support your case:

Bank Details

  • Account Statements: Include statements showing the transaction in question.
  • Correspondence: Provide copies of all communications with the bank.

Identification Documents

  • Aadhaar Card, PAN Card, Passport, or other valid ID.

Complaint and Transaction Information

  • Complaint Number: The number related to the complaint filed.
  • Communication Records: Any communication from the bank or Cyber Cell regarding the freeze.

Legal Documents

  • FIR Copy: If available, include a copy of the FIR.
  • Legal Notices: Any court orders or legal notices tied to the freeze.

What to Do if the Cyber Cell Doesn’t Cooperate

1. File an Application in Court

  • Legal Options: File an application under Section 451 CrPC or Section 457 CrPC.
  • Escalation: If needed, file a writ petition in the High Court.

2. Approach Higher Judicial Authorities

  • High Court or Supreme Court: Seek intervention from higher courts if your case isn’t progressing.
  • Public Interest Litigation (PIL): Consider filing a PIL for a faster resolution.

Additional Steps for Faster Resolution

1. Escalate the Issue

  • Email Higher Authorities: Reach out to your bank’s head office, the local branch, and the RBI at crpc@rbi.org.in.
  • Contact Helpline 1930: For immediate assistance, call the national cyber crime helpline.

2. Visit Local Cyber Cell

  • Direct Action: Visit your local Cyber Cell office for updates and more information.

3. Email State Cyber Authorities

  • SP and DGP Cyber Cell: Email state-level authorities for assistance.

Filing a Cyber Crime Complaint

Filing a cyber crime complaint is a crucial step when dealing with a frozen bank account, especially if fraudulent transactions are involved.

How To File Cyber Crime Complaint:

  • Online Portals: Use the national cyber crime reporting portal (www.cybercrime.gov.in) or visit your local Cyber Cell office.
  • Information to Provide:
    • Full details of the fraudulent transaction.
    • Any suspicious emails or messages received.
    • Copies of communication with your bank.
  • Follow-Up: Stay in touch with the authorities after submitting your complaint to ensure it is being processed.

Know more: Can a bank account be frozen even for 1 rupee?

Proactive Measures to Prevent Future Freezes

1. Regular Monitoring

  • Keep a close eye on your bank account for any suspicious activity.

2. Update Contact Information

  • Ensure your bank has your latest phone number and email address.

3. Know Your Rights

  • Be aware of your legal rights and the steps you can take if your account is wrongfully frozen.

4. Secure Your Digital Footprint

  • Use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication on all your accounts.

5. Maintain Proper Financial Records

  • Keep copies of all bank statements and transaction records for quick reference.

6. Educate Yourself and Others

  • Stay updated on the latest cyber crimes and fraud schemes to avoid falling victim.


If your bank account is frozen by the Cyber Cell, follow these steps to resolve the issue. Filing a cyber crime complaint is an important part of the process, and having the right documentation and legal support can make all the difference.

Online Legal Center is a Law Firm, we have offices all over India. If your bank account is frozen anywhere in India, you can directly call us on helpline number 8273682006 and get your bank account frozen with the help of our Cyber ​​Expert Lawyers. You can get your account unfrozen.

Also visit: Can A Bank Account Be Defreezed By A Legal Notice? 

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